Akumal, Art Walk, & A Harvest Meal

Mark and I were in Heaven over Labor Day Weekend, and Jesus was our waiter. Akumal, Mexico is a small village about an hour and a half south of Cancun, and we went there for 4 fabulous nights. Jesus works at a restaurant called Lol Ha, and within an hour of the van...

So many FABULOUS restaurants, so little time!!

It’s my birthday week and that makes me extra happy! I think everyone should celebrate their life for at least a week, don’t you? I mean let’s face it, sometimes life gets in the way of the celebration and we forget how much fun we are having. I am...

Tomatoes Rule! Plus Bacon & Egg Pasta

We have tomatoes coming out of our ears! This is a great thing, considering they are heirloom tomatoes grown by our farmers Jared & Sara and by our very own Mark! He bought some heirloom starts at farmers markets earlier this year and they are bustin out with...

Hot, Hot, Hot!

How are you coping with the heat? The good news is that it doesn’t last for more than a week; and then again, that is why most of us live here. We LIKE that the weather is generally mild and ever-changing. The seasons are well defined and yet they do not define...

Food Love & Lovely Food!

I need to get to Local Boys! No onions and no lemons in this house is rendering me madder and madder… Though the smell of 2 chickens roasting in the oven is heavenly. At least I had Herbs de Provence for them, if not lemon and fresh herbs. sigh. 2 more in the...

Porchetta, Peanut Butter, Pesto Pasta & Peas

We have been busy the past couple of weeks! I know I left you hanging about the pork party and now I have to tell you that we had a derailment occur. I had pre-ordered my ham (leg with shank) from Farmer George and I picked it up the Thursday before last. I prepared a...

Italians: Wine, Food, Love

I am over the moon! Yesterday we had one of our Italian Wine Makers, Antonio Sanguineti, for one hour at the cafe. He is in town for a week or so, and just last Thursday Doumina Whyman called me and said she would make time to bring him by. I had only a few days to...

A Good Week: Technology, Drinks, Art & Food!

I got a new phone. It is called a G1 and it is a touch screen similar to the IPhone. It may be too much for me to handle, but I am taking a week to see if I can use it to it’s potential. I have never been one to want a fancy phone, though my palm pilot is...
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