Nourishing Our Community
Indoor dining, curbside & in-store pick-up, pre-arranged delivery, and limited same-day delivery.
Tuesday-Friday 7AM – 5PM
Saturday 8AM – 4PM
Sundays & Mondays closed
Holiday hours vary
Every once in a while we open an hour late or close a bit early due to staffing challenges, lack of business, and other things. You can always call, we answer when we’re open!
Happy Hour is still always the last hour of business, no matter what time we close. If there are any pastries or loaves of bread left from the morning bake you get them half-off! PLUS coffee drinks are half-off at happy hour, too!
We have the greatest team in the universe and we appreciate our customers most all; YOU are the backbone of this café. Thank you very much for your support and contributions to this wonderful place
Monica and Mark Downen, At Your Service
Our menu has been crafted using excellent quality food made fresh each day. We support local, independent farmers & suppliers, and we strive towards earth-friendly, sustainable practices. We love to delight our customer family with a wide range of deliciousness. Many of our products are healthful, some are indulgent, and all are fabulous ways to treat yourself!

We want to put your mind at ease about our vigilant practices to keep us all healthy, because our team believes your good health and ours is of paramount importance. Some of the extra precautions we are taking (even more than usual) include:
- Continuous monitoring of recommendations by the government and Kitsap Public Health, so we can make smart decisions that best support the health and safety of our guests, team, and community.
- Extra time and focus on cleaning and sanitizing all shared surfaces, especially the POS, counter, door handles, bathroom fixtures, and tables.
- If anyone on our staff gets COVID, the Flu, a cold, RSV, or other communicable illness, we are wearing masks and gloves when working and wearing masks when we’re out in public.
- Screening each employee’s health, daily.
- Offering paid time off to encourage our team to stay home and rest if they are showing signs of any illness.
- Continued and increased hand-washing at work and elsewhere.
- Continued reminders and training for our team on proper methods of cleaning and sanitation.
- Providing delicious foods made from scratch, with the highest quality ingredients.
- Offering healthy options every day.
- Happily customizing your order to support your health goals in the most delicious way possible.
- And if you want us to offer contactless delivery and pickup just ask! You can stop by or call to order, order online, and/or use our back door as a makeshift drive-through.
We’re devoted to the well-being of our patrons and staff, and want to make these pandemic times less stressful, if we can.
We love our staff and want to keep them as fully employed and as healthy as possible.
We want to do all we can to help slow the spread of the virus and other disease in our community.
We want to keep enough money moving through the company to assure we’ll still be in business as we move forward.
We know many in our community are suffering and it is our goal to help. If we stay informed, take sensible precautions, and give one another the compassion we all deserve, we can make the best of this new reality.
By the way, while amplified during Covid19 concerns, these ideals and practices are always true for us. Our business purpose is to Inspire Others, and our mission is to Nourish Our Community Through Engaged Relationships. If you don’t do well, neither do we. Our small business appreciates your support more than ever in the face of this economic challenge and we can’t wait to see you here!
If you have any questions please call, email, or DM us on social media.
Monica’s is open for indoor dining, patio dining, take-out, including ‘curb-side’ pickup, and prearranged delivery.
Feel free to call ahead and pay by phone, order online for quick and easy pick-up, or stop by and come in to order. We will bring it out to your car if you are not comfortable coming in, or you can pull up to the back door as a make-shift ‘drive-through’.
We offer gift cards you can pre-load and use it to pay. We offer loyalty rewards for our customer family.
Pay It Forward: Whether you are in need or looking for small ways to help, our “Suspended Coffees” program is right up your alley. Anyone can pay it forward by donating to this program, and anyone can use it for any meal they need, not just coffee. If you are in difficult financial times, have an isolated neighbor or loved one you want to take food to, and especially if you have children reliant on school meals and you can’t get to them, we’ve got you. Just tell us “I would like to use the suspended coffee card”, or “I would like to donate to the Suspended Coffee program”, and we will make sure you get what you need.